Month: May 2024

NJ Supreme Court Vacates Jury Verdict in Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing Case

NJ Supreme Court Vacates Jury Verdict in Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing Case

In Comprehensive Neurosurgical, P.C. v. The Valley Hospital (A-52-22/087469) (Decided April 22, 2024), the Supreme Court of New Jersey vacated a $24,300,000 jury verdict in favor of a group of eleven neurosurgeons who alleged that Valley Hospital did not deal with them fairly or act in good faith when it

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies Standard for Obtaining Final Protective Order Under SASPA

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies Standard for Obtaining Final Protective Order Under SASPA

In C.R. v. M.T. (A-47-22/087887) (Decided April 22, 2024), the Supreme Court of New Jersey clarified the showing required to obtain a final protective order under the Sexual Assault Survivor Protection Act of 2015 (SASPA). According to the Court, the plain language of N.J.S.A. 2C:14-16(a)(2)r creates a standard that is

NJ Supreme Court Agrees to Hear OPRA Case Involving Police Body-Worn Camera Video

NJ Supreme Court Agrees to Hear OPRA Case Involving Police Body-Worn Camera Video

The Supreme Court of New Jersey recently granted certification in Fuster v. Township of Chatham. The question before the justices is whether a body worn camera (BWC) video-recorded statement can be obtained under the State’s Open Public Records Acy (OPRA) or the common law right of access. Facts of the