Month: August 2024

Divided NJ Supreme Court Affirms Dismissal of Defamation Suit Relying on Ministerial Exception

Divided NJ Supreme Court Affirms Dismissal of Defamation Suit Relying on Ministerial Exception

In Hyman v. Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey (A-11-23/087994) (Decided July 24, 2024), the Supreme Court of New Jersey affirmed that the ministerial exception barred defamation claims against an Orthodox Jewish school. The six justices that heard the case all agreed that the standard set forth in McKelvey v. Pierce,

NJ Supreme Court Sides With Municipality in Long-Standing Verizon Tax Suit

NJ Supreme Court Sides With Municipality in Long-Standing Verizon Tax Suit

In Verizon New Jersey, Inc. v. Borough of Hopewell (A-22-23/088421) (Decided July 25, 2024), the Supreme Court of New Jersey upheld an Appellate Division decision holding “that ‘local telephone exchange’ as used in N.J.S.A. 54:4-1 means a local telephone network within a defined geographical area as depicted on Verizon’s tariff

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies Affidavit of Merit Requirements

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies Affidavit of Merit Requirements

In Moschella v. Hackensack Meridian Jersey Shore University Medical Center (A-7-23/088312) (Decided July 11, 2024), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that an affidavit of merit does not need to specify that the affiant reviewed medical records attesting to the merits of a claim. Facts of Moschella v. Hackensack

NJ Supreme Court Rebuffs Bright-Line Rule Against Consumer Class Action Waivers

NJ Supreme Court Rebuffs Bright-Line Rule Against Consumer Class Action Waivers

In William Pace v. Hamilton Cove (A-4-23/088302) (Decided July 10, 2024), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that contract provisions waiving class actions are lawful, even if they aren’t accompanied by arbitration provisions; however, such waivers may be unenforceable if found to be unconscionable or to violate other tenets