NJ Supreme Court Holds Volunteering Employee Entitled to Workers Comp

In Goulding v. NJ Friendship House, Inc., (A-48-19/083726) (Decided February 8, 2021), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that an employee volunteering at an employer-sponsored event was entitled to compensation for her injuries under the state’s Worker’s compensation Act. According to the unanimous court, plaintiff Kim Goulding’s role at

NJ Supreme Court Rules Teacher “Release Time” Does Not Violate State Constitution

In Rozenblit v. Lyles, the New Jersey Supreme Court issued a significant decision rejecting statutory and constitutional challenges to provisions in a collective negotiations agreement [CNA] between the Jersey City School District [District] and the Jersey City Education Association [Association] that authorized two teachers [“releasees”], employed and paid by the District,

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies WHL’s Good-Faith Defense

In Elmer Branch v. Cream-O-Land Dairy, (A-29-19/083379) (Decided January 13, 2021),the Supreme Court of New Jersey clarified the good faith defense under the New Jersey Wage and Hour Law (WHL), ruling that Cream-O-Land Dairy could not assert a defense under N.J.S.A. 34:11-56a25.2 based on its good-faith reliance on certain determinations

NJ Supreme Court’s Hears Arguments in NJ Transit’s Superstorm Sandy Insurance Dispute

The Supreme Court of New Jersey recently heard oral arguments in a closely-watched case involving insurance claims related to Superstorm Sandy. The specific issue in New Jersey Transit Corporation v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London is whether New Jersey Transit Corporation’s (NJ Transit) insurers must insure $400 million of water

NJ Supreme Court Rules Attorneys Must Explains Risks and Benefits of Arbitration Provisions in Retainer Agreements

In Delaney v. Dickey, (A-30-19/083440) (Decided December 21, 2020), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that attorneys must generally explain to a client the benefits and disadvantages of arbitrating a prospective dispute between the attorney and client for an arbitration provision in a retainer agreement to be enforceable. Facts

New Jersey Court System Considering Virtual Jury Trial in Response to COVID-19

Rising COVID-19 cases have forced New Jersey Courts to again limit in-person proceedings, and the New Jersey Supreme Court is asking for feedback on what to do next. Under its proposal, New Jersey would conduct virtual civil jury trials during the ongoing pandemic. According to a Notice to the Bar,

NJ Supreme Court to Decide Whether Employers Must Reimburse Workers for Medical Cannabis

The Supreme Court of New Jersey recent heard oral arguments in Hager v. M&K Construction. The closely-watched case will determine whether an employer can be required to reimburse an employee for the cost of the employee’s medical marijuana. Facts of Hager v. M&K Construction In 2001, Vincent Hager (Hager), then 28

NJ Supreme Court Agrees to Consider Challenge to AG Directives on Release of Police Disciplinary Records

The Supreme Court of New Jersey has agreed toconsider In re Attorney General Law Enforcement Directive Nos. 2020-5 and 2020-6, which challenges directives issued by the New Jersey Attorney General requiring the state to release information about police officers subjected to serious discipline. The Appellate Division previously upheld the directive,