New Jersey Supreme Court Clarifies Cannabis Expungement

New Jersey Supreme Court Clarifies Cannabis Expungement

In State v. Richard Gomes (A-64/65-21/087192) (Decided February 14, 2023), the Supreme Court of New Jersey unanimously held that defendants who received conditional discharges for marijuana offenses before the 2021 adoption of the Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act (CREAMMA), are not statutorily ineligible for admission into the

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies When Courts Must Give Lesser-included Offense Instruction

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies When Courts Must Give Lesser-included Offense Instruction

In State v. Timothy J. Canfield (A-53-21/086644) (Decided January 11, 2023), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that the trial court did not err in failing to instruct the jury to consider a lesser charge of passion/provocation manslaughter. However, it declined to adopt a procedural rule proposed by the

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies Motor Vehicle Commission Lacks Authority to Modify Drunk Driving Sentences

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies Motor Vehicle Commission Lacks Authority to Modify Drunk Driving Sentences

In State v. Deje M. Coviello (A-54-21/086673) (Decided January 19, 2023), the Supreme Court of New Jersey clarified which forum should decide whether a defendant should be relieved of the requirement to install an ignition interlock device (IID). The court held that the sentencing court, and not the Motor Vehicle

NJ Supreme Court Outlines Standard for Obtaining Sexual Assault Victim’s Mental Health Records

NJ Supreme Court Outlines Standard for Obtaining Sexual Assault Victim’s Mental Health Records

In State v. Terrell M. Chambers (A-35-21/086317) (Decided January 23, 2023), the Supreme Court of New Jersey addressed when defendants should be able to access a rape victim’s mental health records. The court ultimately held that a heightened discovery standard should govern a defendant’s motion for pre-incident mental health records

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies How Recent Amendments Impact Child Abuse Claims

In W.S. v. Derek Hildreth (A-46-21/086633) (Decided January 18, 2023), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that child sexual abuse survivors who file a Child Sexual Abuse Act (CSAA) complaint against a public entity after December 1, 2019 — even if their cause of action accrued much earlier —

Appellate Division Rules NJ Universities Immune from COVID Suit Over Remote Instruction

Appellate Division Rules NJ Universities Immune from COVID Suit Over Remote Instruction

Two New Jersey universities do not need to reimburse students for transitioning from in-person classes to total online instruction in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent decision by the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court. In Mueller v. Kean University, the appeals court held that

NJ Supreme Court to Determine If Defendants With Cannabis Expungement Are Eligible for PTI

NJ Supreme Court to Determine If Defendants With Cannabis Expungement Are Eligible for PTI

The Supreme Court of New Jersey is poised to consider one of several key criminal law issues that has arisen in the wake of the state’s efforts to expunge low-level marijuana convictions. The key issue before the court in the consolidated cases of State v. Richard Gomes and State v.

NJ Supreme Court to Consider Constitutionality of Terroristic Threats Statute

NJ Supreme Court to Consider Constitutionality of Terroristic Threats Statute

The New Jersey Supreme Court recently announced that it has granted certification in a case challenging the terroristic threats statute, N.J.S.A. 2C:12-3(a), which criminalizes a threat to commit a crime of violence made “in reckless disregard of the risk of causing…terror.” The Appellate Division found the statute to be constitutionally