New Law Requires NJ School Districts to Implement Anti-Hazing Policies

New Law Requires NJ School Districts to Implement Anti-Hazing Policies 

On August 24, 2021, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed Timothy J. Piazza’s Law… On August 24, 2021, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed Timothy J. Piazza’s Law. The new law requires public and non-public middle schools and high schools, as well as higher education institutions, to adopt anti-hazing policies

DCA Model Statewide Municipal EV Ordinance Now in Effect

DCA Model Statewide Municipal EV Ordinance Now in Effect

A Model Statewide Municipal Electric Vehicle (EV) Ordinance is now in effect throughout New Jersey. The ordinance was mandated under a new law, S-3223 (P.L.2021, c.171), requiring that Electric Vehicle Supply/Service Equipment (EVSE) and Make-Ready parking spaces be designated as a permitted accessory use in all zoning or use districts in New Jersey. The

New Jersey Supreme Court Upholds Virtual Jury-Selection Process

In State v. Dangcil (A-56-20/085665) (Decided August 16, 2021), the Supreme Court of New Jersey rejected defendant Wildemar A. Dangcil’s challenges to the hybrid jury-selection process implemented by the New Jersey Judiciary in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The court unanimously held that the process did not deprive him of

New Jersey Supreme Court to Let Jury Decide If Jersey City Officers Entitled to Immunity

In Estate of Hiram A. Gonzalez v. City of Jersey City (A-19-20/084381) (Decided August 4, 2021), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that the immunities from liability provided by the Good Samaritan Act, a statute that immunizes officers from civil or criminal liability for assisting persons intoxicated in a

Updated COVID-19 Guidance for NJ School Districts

Updated COVID-19 Guidance for NJ School Districts

Navigating COVID-19 continues to be a challenge for New Jersey school districts… Navigating COVID-19 continues to be a challenge for New Jersey school districts. When implementing policies for the 2021-2022 school year, it is important to recognize that guidance continues to evolve, and policies may need to be adjusted accordingly.

The Cannabis Regulatory Commission’s Initial Rules Are Here, Now What?

The Cannabis Regulatory Commission’s Initial Rules Are Here, Now What?

On August 20, 2021, the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC or Commission) released its much-anticipated initial rules, which will govern the cultivation, manufacture, and sale of recreational cannabis in the state. The rules became effective upon filing with the Office of Administrative Law and will be in effect for

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies When License Plates Can Justify Traffic Stop

In State v. Carter (A-66-19/083221) and State v. Roman-Rosado (A-67-19/084074) (Decided August 2, 2021), the Supreme Court of New Jersey addressed when police officers can stop motorists with covered license plates. Under the court’s unanimous decision, if a frame conceals or obscures a marking in a way that it can’t

NJ Supreme Court Addresses When Criminal History Check Can Be Run on Prospective Juror

In State v. Edwin Andujar (A-6-20/084167) (Decided July 13, 2021), the Supreme Court of New Jersey first addressed when a criminal history check can be run on a prospective juror. It concluded that while it may occasionally be appropriate to conduct a criminal history check to confirm whether a prospective