NJ Supreme Court Holds Names of Officers Subject to Major Discipline Can Be Published

NJ Supreme Court Holds Names of Officers Subject to Major Discipline Can Be Published

The Supreme Court of New Jersey recently upheld Attorney General Gurbir Grewal’s executive order to publish the names of police officers who have been subjected to major discipline… The Supreme Court of New Jersey recently upheld Attorney General Gurbir Grewal’s executive order to publish the names of police officers who

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies Standard for Approving or Expanding Charter Schools

In In re Renewal Application of TEAM Academy Charter School, (A-45-19/083014) (Decided June 22, 2021), the Supreme Court of New Jersey upheld the Commissioner of Education’s grant of seven Newark charter school expansion applications. However, the court held that in considering future applications for new or expanded charter schools, the

Tax Collector

NJ Supreme Court Rules Tax Collector and Borough Must Face CRA Suit

In Winberry Realty Partnership v. Borough of Rutherford (A-22/53-19/083156) (Decided June 28, 2021), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that the Borough of Rutherford’s Tax Collector was not entitled to qualified immunity. According to the court, the Tax Collector’s refusal to provide the redemption amount to plaintiffs because the

New Law Greenlights Design-Build Contracts for NJ Local Governments

New Law Greenlights Design-Build Contracts for NJ Local Governments

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy recently signed legislation that establishes procedures for school districts and local governments to award design-build contracts… New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy recently signed legislation that establishes procedures for school districts and local governments to award design-build contracts, under which a single contractor is responsible for

Miranda Warning

New Jersey Supreme Court Rules 17-Year-Old Entitled to Miranda Warning

In State v. Zakariyya Ahmad (A-54-19/083736) (Decided June 15, 2021), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that because a reasonable 17-year-old in the defendant’s position would have believed he was in custody and not free to leave Miranda warnings were required. The court further held it was harmful error

NJ Supreme Clarifies Failure-to-Accommodate Claims Under LAD

In Richter v. Oakland Board of Education (A-23-19/083273) (Decided June 8, 2021), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that an adverse employment action is not a required element for a failure-to-accommodate claim under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD). Facts of Richter v. Oakland Board of Education Plaintiff

NJDEP Providing Toolkit to Help NJ Municipalities Address Climate Resilience

NJDEP Providing Toolkit to Help NJ Municipalities Address Climate Resilience

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) recently released the Resilient NJ: Local Planning for Climate Change Toolkit… The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) recently released the Resilient NJ: Local Planning for Climate Change Toolkit. It is designed to help municipal and county governments address climate change through sustainable

When May NJ Schools Discipline Students for Off-Campus Speech?

When May NJ Schools Discipline Students for Off-Campus Speech?

SCOTUS recently held that a school district’s decision to suspend a student for social media posts violates the First Amendment… The U.S. Supreme Court held in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. that the school district’s decision to suspend student B. L. from the cheerleading team, for social media posts