NJ Supreme Court Upholds Arbitration Agreement Lacking Arbitrator Specifics

In Flanzman v. Jenny Craig, Inc., the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that an arbitration agreement that did not name the arbitrator, designate an arbitration organization to conduct the proceeding, or set forth a process for the parties to choose an arbitrator was still enforceable. Facts of Flanzman v. Jenny

NJ Supreme Court Upholds Newark Civilian Review Board with Limited Investigatory Powers

In Fraternal Order of Police, Newark Lodge No. 12 v. City of Newark (A-15-19/083197) (Decided August 19, 2020), the Supreme Court of New Jersey addressed the legality of Newark’s civilian complaint review board, which was established to investigate allegations of police misconduct. The court held that “state law permits the

Divided NJ Supreme Court Rules Police Can Compel Cell Phone Access

In State v. Robert Andrews, (A-72-18/082209) (Decided August 10, 2020), the New Jersey Supreme Court held that a defendant can be compelled to disclose a cellphone password. According to the four-member majority, requiring defendants to unlock their phones does not violate the Self- Incrimination Clause of the Fifth Amendment to

NJ Supreme Court Holds Consumer Fraud Act and Product Liability Act Claims Can Be Brought in Same Suit

In Sun Chemical Corporation v. Fike Corporation, (A-89-18/082815) (July 29, 2020),the New Jersey Supreme Court held that a Consumer Fraud Act (CFA) claim can be filed concurrently with a Product Liability Act (PLA) claim in the same complaint. “PLA and CFA claims may proceed in separate counts of the same

NJ Supreme Court Uphold Employment Arbitration Agreements

In Arafa v. Health Express Corp., (A-6-19-/083174) (July 14, 2020),the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that that arbitration agreements can be enforceable under the New Jersey Arbitration Act (NJAA), even if those agreements would be otherwise exempt from arbitration under Section 1 of the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). In

NJ Supreme Court Rules Due Process Protections Needed in COVID-19 Prisoner Release Process

The Supreme Court of New Jersey recently held that due process protections must be added to the process by which New Jersey prisoners may seek a medical furlough under Executive Order 124. Specifically, the court held in In the Matter of the Request to Modify Prison Sentences, Expedite Parole Hearings,