Year: 2022

New Jersey Appellate Division Upholds Vaccination Mandates for Correctional Officers

New Jersey Appellate Division  Upholds Vaccination Mandates for Correctional Officers 

New Jersey’s state-level vaccine mandates continue to hold up against legal challenges. On February 11, 2022, the Appellate Division upheld Governor Phil Murphy’s vaccination mandate that applies to all State and County Correctional Police Officers. Four days later, the Supreme Court of New Jersey denied the New Jersey State Police

NJ Supreme Court Holds Parking Lot Accident Is Compensable

NJ Supreme Court Holds Parking Lot Accident Is Compensable

In Lapsley v. Township of Sparta (A-68/69-20/085422) (Decided January 18, 2022), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that injuries sustained in a parking lot owned and controlled by a New Jersey municipality were compensable under the Workers’ Compensation Act. Facts of Lapsley v. Township of Sparta Defendants Township of

What Happens When New Jersey’s School Mask Mandate Ends on March 7?

What Happens When New Jersey’s School Mask Mandate Ends on March 7?

On February 7, 2022, Governor Phil Murphy announced that masks and facial coverings will no longer be mandated for students, staff, or visitors in schools and childcare centers effective March 7, 2022. Going forward, local school districts can decide whether to implement their own universal masking policies. COVID Metrics Prompt Lifting

NJ Supreme Court Rejects Constitutional Challenge to Three Strikes Law

NJ Supreme Court Rejects Constitutional Challenge to Three Strikes Law

In State v. Samuel Ryan (A-65-20/085165)(Decided February 7, 2022), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that offenses committed by a defendant while under the age of 18 may count as predicate offenses under the state’s  Three Strikes Law, which mandates a sentence of life imprisonment without parole for a

NJ Supreme Court Rejects Republican Redistricting Challenge

In In the Matter of Establishment of Congressional Districts by the New Jersey Redistricting Commission, the New Jersey Supreme Court rejected a Republican lawsuit challenging the congressional redistricting map selected by the New Jersey Congressional Redistricting Commission (Commission). Facts of the Case The Commission is initially comprised of six individuals

Gov. Murphy Signs Bill Incentivizing School District Regionalization

New Jersey has about 600 public school districts, which exceeds the total number of municipalities in the state. Changes could be coming under a school district regionalization bill Gov. Phil Murphy recently signed into law.  The new law, Senate Bill No. 3488, modifies certain procedures pertaining to school district regionalization,

New Jersey Supreme Court Rules Police Can’t Stop Vehicles Based on Race Alone

In State v. Peter Nyema (A-39-20/085146) and State v. Jamar J. Myers (A-40-20/082858) (Decided January 25, 2022), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that law enforcement officers can’t stop a vehicle during an investigation based solely on a suspect’s race and gender. Facts of the Case After the robbery

New Jersey Supreme Court Overhauls Juvenile Sentencing for Homicide Convictions

In State v. James Comer (A-42-20/) and State v. James C. Zarate (A-43-20/084516), decided January 10, 2021, the Supreme Court of New Jersey overhauled the framework for sentencing juveniles convicted as adults under the state’s homicide statute. Under the court’s holding, juvenile offenders convicted under the law will be permitted