NJ Supreme Court Rules Experts Can Testify About Symptom Magnification

In Alexandra Rodriguez v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., No. A-2/3-17/079470 (March 4, 2019), the New Jersey Supreme Court held that the admissibility of medical expert testimony using terms such as “somatization” and “symptom magnification” must be determined by trial courts on a case-by-case basis, consistent with the New Jersey Rules of Evidence

NJ Supreme Court Suppresses Gun Evidence in State v. Chisum

In State v. Chisum (decided February 5, 2019) the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that police officers lacked a reasonable suspicion to justify detaining 10 party guests in a motel room after concluding their investigation of a noise complaint. Accordingly, the weapons they discovered during the investigatory detention were

Federal Court Strikes Down New Jersey’s BYOB Advertising Ban

New Jersey’s ban on restaurants advertising “bring your own beer” (BYOB) is unconstitutional, according to a recent federal court decision. In GJJM Enterprises v. City of Atlantic City, Judge Joseph Rodriguez of the District of New Jersey ruled that the ban “places a content-based restriction on speech that fails strict scrutiny

Federal Court Rules Federal Government Can’t Withhold Funding from Sanctuary Cities

A New York federal judge recently gave sanctuary cities a significant legal victory. U.S. District Judge Edgardo Ramos of Manhattan issued a permanent injunctionprohibiting the Department of Justice (DOJ) from imposing immigration-related conditions on Edward Byrne Memorial Assistance Grant (Byrne-JAG) public safety funds distributed in New Jersey, as well as New York City,

U.S. Supreme Court Asked to Consider NJ Church Grant Case

Morris County is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to determine whether excluding religious institutions from receiving taxpayer funds as part of a historic preservation program conflicts with the Supreme Court’s decision in Trinity Lutheran v. Comer and the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause.  Facts of the Case In 2002, the