NJ Supreme Court: State Police Did Not Waive Sovereign Immunity Against Plaintiff’s ADA Claim

In Brian Royster v. New Jersey State Police, the Supreme Court of New Jersey ruled that the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) was entitled to sovereign immunity with respect to plaintiff’s claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The plaintiff, a former state trooper, had argued that the NJSP

NJ Supreme Court Issues Affordable Housing “Gap” Ruling

The New Jersey Supreme Court recently issued its much-anticipated decision regarding whether municipalities must satisfy the affordable housing need which arose from the end of the second-round housing cycle in 1999 to the present, referred to as the “gap period.” In In Re Declaratory Judgment Actions Filed By Various Municipalities,

Federal Judge Rules Camden Municipal Court Violated ADA

Last month, a federal court ruled that Camden Municipal Court and the City of Camden violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by failing to provide a court interpreter for a deaf litigant. The decision in Perez v. Camden Municipal Court highlights that public entities must be mindful of their

NJ Supreme Court to Consider Disclosure of Police Dash Cam Videos

The Supreme Court of New Jersey recently agreed to add another key case involving the state’s Open Public Records Act (OPRA) to its docket. Paff v. Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office revolves around the disclosure of police video recordings, which has become a high-profile issue in the wake of several controversial police-involved

NJ Supreme Court Narrows Keyport Decision

In IMO Robbinsville Twp BOE v. Washington Twp Educ. Assoc., the Supreme Court of New Jersey significantly narrowed its 2015 decision in IMO Borough of Keyport. In so ruling, the court reversed what it saw as an improper expansion of its ruling to authorize a school board to unilaterally impose

NJ Supreme Court Holds Security Footage Not Subject to OPRA

In Gilleran v. Township of Bloomfield, the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that security footage from a camera located outside a town hall was not subject to disclosure under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA). According to the state’s highest court, “Compelling release on demand of security surveillance video would be

NJ Appeals Court Overturns Ordinance Over Council Member’s Conflict of Interest

In Mollica v. Township of Bloomfield, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court invalidated a township ordinance adopted to acquire land to build a public park. Citing the New Jersey Supreme Court’s decision in Grabowsky v. Township of Montclair, the Appellate Division held that a council member’s ownership

NJ Supreme Court Overturns Digital Billboard Ban

The Supreme Court of New Jersey recently struck down a municipal ban of digital billboards. In its decision in  E&J Equities v. Board of Adjustment of Franklin Township, the state’s highest court held that the ordinance was unconstitutional under both the United States and New Jersey constitutions.  The Facts of