Tag: Local Redevelopment and Housing Law

Third Circuit Addresses School Board’s Liability for Sexual Harassment

NJ Appeals Court Rejects Quid Pro Quo Allegations Against Developer and Planning Board

In Pennsgrove Associates, LP, et al. v. Carneys Point Township Planning Board, et al., the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court held that an agreement executed between a developer and planning board regarding the payment of legal fees did not amount to an unlawful quid pro quo arrangement.


Divided NJ Supreme Court Eases Requirements for Development Area Designation

In 62-64 Main Street, LLC, et al. v. The Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack, the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that, in most instances, a municipality need not expressly find that deteriorated conditions on a property negatively affect surrounding properties, in order to declare the deteriorated

NJ Appeals Court Rules OPRA Requests Subject to OPRA

NJ Appeals Court Finds City of Hoboken Erred in Applying Redevelopment Law

In a recent decision, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court vacated a resolution passed by the City of Hoboken because it misapplied a requirement under New Jersey’s Local Redevelopment and Housing Law (LRHL). Facts of the Case The dispute in Neumann v. City of Hoboken concerns Resolution