Category: Municipal Law

Will NJ Legislature Bill Overhaul Local Oversight Over Warehouse Development?

Will NJ Legislature Bill Overhaul Local Oversight Over Warehouse Development?

A bill currently under consideration by the New Jersey Legislature would change how municipalities regulate the development of large warehouses… A bill currently under consideration by the New Jersey Legislature would change how municipalities regulate the development of large warehouses. Under Senate Bill 3688, New Jersey would adopt a regional

Executive Order 204 Pauses Youth Indoor Sports in New Jersey

Youth indoor sports are again on hold in New Jersey. On November 29, 2020, Gov. Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 204 (EO 204), which states that indoor sports practices and competitions, including group, competitive and/or organized sporting activities for youth and adults, will be prohibited starting Saturday, December 5,

School Boards Exempt from New Jersey’s Latest Restrictions on Indoor Gatherings

With COVID-19 cases again spiking in New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy has issued an executive order imposing tighter restrictions on public gatherings. Pursuant to Executive Order 196, the limit of people gathering indoors will be decreased from 25 to 10. Of particular interest to New Jersey school boards, the Executive

Understanding How You May Be Impacted by the Permit Extension Act of 2020

On July 1, 2020, Gov. Phil Murphy signed the “Permit Extension Act of 2020” into law. The new law (Assembly Bill No. 3919) extends certain permits, approvals, and deadlines for the duration of the public health emergency associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The law took effect immediately and is retroactive to

DLGS Offers Guidance to Aid NJ Municipalities in Continuity of Operations

The Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) recently issued guidance aimed to help New Jersey municipalities maintain their operations amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Division, the guidance “aims to provide some answers, and some structure, to help each of New Jersey’s local units successfully maintain continuity of government

Legislation Authorizing Electronic Public Notices Advances

Executive Order Allows Electronic Submission of Referendum Petitions

COVID-19 continues to change the way local government business is conducted in New Jersey. On April 29, Gov. Phil Murphy signed an executive order allowing county and municipal clerks to accept initiative and referendum petitions electronically. Executive Order 132 also authorizes signatures for these petitions to be collected electronically. The measure aims

OPRa guidance COVID-19

DLGS and GRC Provide OPRA Guidance to Records Custodians Impacted by COVID-19

In these uncertain times, New Jersey municipalities are working hard to maintain operations, which includes responding to requests under the state’s Open Public Records Act (“OPRA”). However, reduced staff hours and office closures are making the process more challenging. In response to COVID-19 the state enacted legislation relaxing the deadline

Public bidding

The DLGS Issues Guidance on COVID 19 – Key Takeaways from Local Finance Notice on Emergency Procurement

The Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) recently issued a Local Finance Notice regarding the need for emergency procurement in light of the Coronavirus outbreak. The guidance, LFN 2020-06, also addresses public bidding concerns and the use of storm recovery reserves. Emergency Procurement As highlighted by the DLGS, the COVID-19 public health