NJ Supreme Court Rules “High Crime Area” Didn’t Justify Investigative Stop

In State v. Nazier D. Goldsmith (A-77-20/085636) (DecidedJuly 5, 2022), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that the information the officers possessed at the time of the stop, which included the defendant’s presence in a “high crime area,” did not amount to specific and particularized suspicion that the defendant

NJ Supreme Court Rules Traffic Stop for Window Tint Was Unconstitutional

In State v. David L. Smith (A-4-21/085635) (Decided June 28, 2022), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that a purported violation of N.J.S.A. 39:3-74 based on tinted windows did not justify the Trenton Police Department’s investigatory stop of a motor vehicle. The court further held that, going forward, a

Appellate Division Rules Distant Neighbor Can Challenge Zoning Approval

Appellate Division Rules Distant Neighbor Can Challenge Zoning Approval

In DiMarco v. Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Borough of Edgewater and Three Y LLC, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court ruled that a resident who lives approximately 2½ miles from a proposed development project can pursue a late lawsuit challenging a municipal zoning approval. In

Will New Jersey School Districts Be Required to Go Green?

Will New Jersey School Districts Be Required to Go Green?

As New Jersey takes steps to transition to clean energy, school districts may soon be required to create their own plans to go green. The New Jersey Senate recently advanced legislation requiring school districts to include environmental sustainability plans in the long-range facilities plans submitted to the Commissioner of Education.

New Jersey Supreme Court Rule Victim Count Is Irrelevant to Leaving the Scene of Accident Charges

New Jersey Supreme Court Rule Victim Count Is Irrelevant to Leaving the Scene of Accident Charges

In State v. Rashaun Bell (A-75-20/084657) (Decided May 16, 2022), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that N.J.S.A. 2C:11-5.1, which criminalizes the act of leaving the scene of an accident resulting “in the death of another person,” can’t be charged separately for each victim killed in a single accident.

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies Affidavit of Merit Requirement for Vicarious Liability Claims

NJ Supreme Court Clarifies Affidavit of Merit Requirement for Vicarious Liability Claims

In Haviland v. Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County, Inc., (A-70-20/085419)(Decided April 12, 2022), the Supreme Court of New Jersey held that plaintiffs are not required to serve an Affidavit of Merit (AOM) against defendant health care facilities for claims of vicarious liability arising from the negligent conduct of an

Will New Jersey Clarify the Law on Off-Duty Cannabis Use by Law Enforcement?

Will New Jersey Clarify the Law on Off-Duty Cannabis Use by Law Enforcement?

Now that adult-use cannabis sales have begun in New Jersey, many municipalities and their employees are raising questions about when off-duty cannabis use is permitted. One of the most controversial issues involves off-duty cannabis use by law enforcement. While the Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act protects workers