Category: Election Law

Election Law Changes Coming to New Jersey 2013 Gubernatorial Election

New Jersey election law changes will likely impact the upcoming 2013 gubernatorial election. Although candidates will be able to spend more, the political action committees (PACs) that support them may have to be required to disclose more information about their activities. With regard to New Jersey campaign spending, the Election

Who Were The People Responsible For NJ Congressional Redistricting in 2012?

Democrats in New Jersey experienced their greatest loss since the defeat of Governor John Corzine in this month’s primary.  Congressional redistricting resulted in a divisive Democratic Primary between two incumbent Congressmen in the 9th Congressional District and the expected loss of one Democratic member of Congress from the New Jersey

Stand Up and Be Counted: How Population Shifts Impact New Jersey Elections

While many don’t give a second thought to the government census forms that arrive in their mailboxes every ten years, they have a profound effect on our political representation. Both congressional apportionment and redistricting must be undertaken after each U.S. census to reflect population changes over the past decade. In