Tag: Municipal levy cap

Local Finance Notice Addresses Municipal Levy Cap Referendum Procedures

Local Finance Notice Addresses Municipal Levy Cap Referendum Procedures

The Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) recently published a Local Finance Notice regarding municipal levy cap referendums. The notice outlines key dates for 2017 levy elections and discusses an important policy change regarding the healthcare levy cap exclusion. Levy Cap Referendum Deadlines The Local Finance Notice highlights several important

NJ Appeals Court Clarifies Time of Application Rule

Levy Cap Referendum Deadlines for NJ Municipalities

New Jersey municipalities that are considering holding a public referendum to exceed either the two percent levy cap or the zero percent appropriation cap should be mindful of approaching deadlines. In a recent notice, the Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) provided guidance for scheduling elections and managing the New

Key Deadlines for Municipal Levy Cap Referendums Quickly Approaching

Key Deadlines for Municipal Levy Cap Referendums Quickly Approaching

Key deadlines are approaching for New Jersey municipalities, on a calendar fiscal year, that are considering holding a public referendum to exceed either the two percent levy cap or the one and a half appropriation cap. In a recent notice, the Division of Local Government Services provided guidance for managing