Category: Municipal Law

Financing Options for Municipalities Impacted by Hurricane Sandy

Municipalities across New Jersey continue to deal with the unprecedented clean up costs of Hurricane Sandy. To ease the burden, the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services, continues to provide updates on funding mechanisms that may assist in financing infrastructure repair costs related to the

New Jersey Appeals Court Finds Camden Furlough Plan Violated Rights of City municipal clerk

The Appellate Division recently ruled that the City of Camden’s furlough plan violated the rights of the city’s municipal clerk under N.J.S.A. 40A:9-165. The statute is designed to protect the salaries of certain municipal employees, including clerks, from economic discrimination and keep them free from political pressure. In the Matter

Tips for New Jersey Municipalities Managing Hurricane Sandy Charitable Contributions

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey has a lot of rebuilding to do. However, the storm has also brought people together. In fact, many New Jersey municipalities have been overwhelmed by charitable contributions intended for storm victims. To ensure funds are properly distributed, the New Jersey Department of

Relief for Municipalities Struggling to Pay for Hurricane Sandy Clean Up

Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey, leaving many municipalities with massive and costly cleanup efforts. To help ease the burden on local budgets, Governor Chris Christie has signed an executive order allowing municipalities to tap into snow removal funds. Under N.J.S.A. 40A:4-62.1, a local government may only use an established snow

Proposed Bill Would Overhaul New Jersey’s Emergency Medical Services

Lawmakers are currently reconsidering a bill that would overhaul New Jersey’s emergency medical services by changing the qualifications, training, and operations of paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and emergency medical responders. The Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee recently reported favorably on Senate Bill No. 1650. Among other changes, the proposed legislation:

Will Proposed Marriage License Changes Make New Jersey a Wedding Hot Spot?

Local municipalities may be issuing more marriage licenses if legislation seeking to modernize New Jersey’s marriage license requirements ultimately becomes law. S-2106 would eliminate the state’s 72-hour waiting requirement and relax residency requirements. Under the measure, there would be no waiting period between submitting an application and receiving a marriage

New Jersey Permit Extension Act Signed Into Law

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has signed the Permit Extension Act of 2012 into law. It extends the expiration date of certain permits and other government approvals until December 31, 2014. The goal of the bi-partisan legislation (A-1338/ S-743) is to ensure that stalled development projects can continue as the

New Jersey Municipal Zoning Inaction Leads to Mandamus

A recent New Jersey appeals court decision may make it easier for litigants to obtain writs of mandamus against New Jersey municipalities. A mandamus is a court order directing a government official or agency to properly fulfill their official duties. The Facts of the Case In Mullen v. The Ippolito