Category: Election Law

Court Broadens Scope of Who Can Circulate Nominating Petitions

New Jersey Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson’s ruling in the Empower Our Neighborhood, et al. v. Guadagno, et al. case may have a significant impact on nominating petitions. Empower Our Neighborhood (EON) is an educational and advocacy group that focuses on issues that impact residents of New Brunswick. Facts of

Aggregate Campaign Contribution Limits Violate First Amendment

The recent opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Committee has struck a blow to the regulation of money in elections. The Court struck down the federal limits on the total amounts individual donors may contribute to candidates and political committees. The Court reasoned that donating

Deadlines Matter: NJ County Tax Board Wins Case Due to Taxpayer’s Untimeliness

NJ Election Law Decision Clarifies Municipal Referendum Deadlines

In Finkel v. Township Committee of Township of Hopewell, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court considered the interplay between two statutes governing the timeframe for submitting municipal referendums for inclusion on a ballot. The panel concluded that municipalities must follow all applicable deadlines and declared the referendum

Gov. Murphy Signs NJ Voter Registration Bill

NJ Court Rules Voter Initiative Did Not Impermissibly Restrain Future Municipal Legislation

In a recent decision, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court further clarified the law surrounding voter initiatives under the Faulkner Act. The case, Redd v. Bowman, examined whether an initiative to prohibit the City of Camden from disbanding its police department and join a county force, impermissibly

NJ Appellate Division Rules Abstentions May Not Be Counted as “No” Votes

In Zimmer v. Castellano and Booker v. Rice, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior was asked to determine the legal effect of abstention. The specific question before the panel was whether the a city council has the authority to deem a council member’s abstention to be a “no”

NJ early voting laws

Court Cautions Against Inflexible Application of New Jersey Election Laws

A recent Appellate Division decision reinforces that municipalities need not always rigidly enforce New Jersey election laws. As specifically highlighted by the court, such laws should be “relaxed where enforcement of the right of choice in the election process is unreasonably thwarted.” The Facts of the Case Regalado v. Curling involved

Senate Approves New Jersey Judicial Nominees

Gov. Chris Christie was able to skirt his political feud with state Sen. Ronald Rice, D-Essex, to secure the nomination of his judicial appointee, Former Attorney General Paula Dow. Dow was originally nominated in Essex County, but had to move to Burlington County in order to avoid the political impasse