Category: Municipal Law

Local Finance Notice Addresses Construction Code Fees

The Division of Local Government Services and the Division of Codes and Standards recently issued a Local Finance Notice (Notice) reminding municipalities about the construction code fee limitations established under state law and how construction code enforcement offices must budget and account for such fees. They issued the Notice after

Jersey City Testing Cellphone-Based Police Body Cameras

Jersey City is the first local government to rely on cellphones to record law enforcements’ interaction with the public. The city’s new police body camera program will rely on a mobile application known as CopCast. Increased Adoption of Police Body Cameras In 2014, New Jersey enacted a law requiring that

Gov. Christie Approves Library Bond Funding Bill

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently approved the “New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act.” The bi-partisan legislation authorizes the issuance of $125 million in State general obligation bonds to provide grants for the construction, expansion, and equipping of New Jersey’s public libraries. For the library funding to become a reality,

New Jersey Municipal Consolidation Bill Signed into Law

Gov. Chris Christie recently signed legislation aimed to make it easier for New Jersey communities to pursue municipal consolidation. Senate Bill 956 authorizes special emergency appropriations for the payment of certain expenses incurred to implement a municipal consolidation. Consolidations are governed by the Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act, which

New Jersey’s Arbitration Interest Cap Set to Expire

Local governments should be aware that the two percent cap on interest arbitration awards is set to expire at the end of the year. The cap limits how much compensation arbitrators can award police and firefighters who have reached a contract negotiation impasse with New Jersey municipalities. Under existing law, any

Local Finance Notice Addresses Municipal Levy Cap Referendum Procedures

Local Finance Notice Addresses Municipal Levy Cap Referendum Procedures

The Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) recently published a Local Finance Notice regarding municipal levy cap referendums. The notice outlines key dates for 2017 levy elections and discusses an important policy change regarding the healthcare levy cap exclusion. Levy Cap Referendum Deadlines The Local Finance Notice highlights several important

Gov. Christie Conditionally Vetoes UEZ Bill

Gov. Christie Conditionally Vetoes UEZ Bill

Gov. Chris Christie has once again refused to extend the Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) program. In his conditional veto message of Assembly Bill. No. 489, the Governor characterized the UEZ program as a “program with apathetic participation and a devastating impact on State revenues without any demonstrable benefit to municipalities or